Cross-sector development partnerships supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

Who we are

The Cross Sector Development Partnership Initiative (XSPI) is an Australian initiative focused on fostering cross-sector partnerships that amplify the impact of Australia’s support for development in the Indo-Pacific. We believe that increased collaboration between government, business, NGOs, academia/Health and medical research, and philanthropy/private capital investment is critical to achieving sustainable development outcomes.  Our work is currently focused in three geographies: Bangladesh, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea and our strategy is guided on principles of local engagement and sustained impact. 

Why focus on cross-sector partnerships?

Rather than siloed approaches to development funding and implementation, the ethos of a cross-sector approach aims to create better models for collaboration that support host country development priorities. It is ultimately the joint effort of all sectors that can realize meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Our Focus Countries

A Commitment to the
Sustainable Development Goals

A Commitment to the
Sustainable Development Goals

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